Dear fellow bitcointokenians. Welcome to our first Weekly Status Update.

01 Feb 2022, 22:36
Dear fellow bitcointokenians! Welcome to our first Weekly Status Update. General Overview: BitcoinToken is passing through difficult times. What has damaged our situation are these key aspects: the server credentials and DNS were held by a couple of the Dev. Team members who took-off during last year; somehow we were able to manage things, until the server payment came to a stall point because of rejection from the person who had the domain and hosting credentials to continue paying for it. Although this seems logical, due to the fact of them not being active in our project, sadly we weren't tipped in advanced of this situation, so we were unable to perform a corrective action and prevent this from happening. Nevertheless, we are currently speaking with one of them, and we hope this is going to aid our velocity of response to fix the API issues; we have a new website and we are currently recruiting a C++ developer who is able to update and fix some bugs related to our Node Software (BTCT Wallet), and to develop a new and fresh API to provide currently listed exchanges and the ones that will come in the near future, with the appropriate data to feed their platforms timely and securely. We can assure our users that we are going to have this issues tackled as soon as possible, hopefully during the first quarter of 2022. Masternode count: We currently have 400 full and 120 shared masternodes running in the network. Listing Partnerships: Though we have received a few setbacks with StakeCube and FlitsMobile, we feel that once we are up and running again (new Node Software and API), we will immediately be listed over no-less than 2 centralized exchanges. wBTCT: wrapped BitcoinToken (deployed over Binance Smart Chain) will be enabled as a swapping pair with $DWARF over DeFiWars Finance's DWARFSwap, before Q1-2022 is fully over, which will thrust BTCT network activiy and price, for sure. Current PancakeSwap liquidity pool is not being officially supported, because there has been some manipulation with bad intentions from a few guys who want to see our project dead. wBTCT-BTCT bridge will be one of the main development objectives to be ready for Q2-2022, helping current wBTCT holders to re-gain access to their native BTCT holding positions. Community S.O.S.: Because of its truly decentralized nature, our project is always in need for voluntary actions from its userbase, for example: to raise awareness over Social Media channels; to feedback our Dev. Team with nice ideas that could thrive BTCT adoption's velocity, and spread the BTCT's main message: to be one of the best payments coin in the cryptospace. Future Upgrades: Being a fork of PIVX, BTCT is capable of doing some amazing things, like providing privacy-focused transactions and obfuscating addresses and their key-pairs, at the same time. Nevertheless, we are considering on scaling our blockchain to another technology that has both low gas fees, and fast transaction times, even incorporating NFTs that could be staked within DeFiWars Finance's Scheduled Warfare section. This is all for now. We are looking forward to the next release of our Weekly Status Update. Thank you.